Thursday, May 22, 2008

Slackin on the bloggin

Gosh we have been so busy around here. I had a wonderful Mother's Day. My boys made a card for me that is so sweet; hubby even bought construction paper to make it! I didn't want anything mainly b/c I buy what ever I want myself plus we are about to go to Seattle in 3 wks. All I really wanted was to take down the wrought iron storm door and repaint it and clean the glass so it will look new again. I have been wanting that for about 5 yrs now so what better than my mothers day gift.

This past weekend Hayden and I went camping just over night at Village Creek in AR. Its only 1 1/2 hours so that's the best part. We meet up with some friends and grill out hamburgers for dinner and pancakes for breakfast. I got to go horseback riding with my friend Sheila and her father-in-law Fri. night before dinner while her mother-in-law (my boss) watched the boys. We had awesome weather and a great time. I wish we could've stayed long but we had to be back for church on Sunday.

Then Sunday night Hayden graduated from preschool. I cant believe that he will be going to kindergarten this August. Time really does fly. He is so smart and he really enjoyed going to school this year. He had a wonderful Christian teacher Mrs. Beth. I wish we could take her with us to kindergarten. One thing we wont miss is the 1 hr round trip drive in the morning and afternoon. His new school will be a block away we cant wait.

Monday and Tuesday I work so no time for play.... Wed. went to the gym and took my best friends little girl home while her daddy is in the hospital. Today went to the gym, ran by the store came home and cleaned my neglected kitchen floor, cleaned the back patio off so we could finally grill out and have dinner outside. I love eating outside when the weather is nice. Now I am exhausted! Back to the gym in the morning. Hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend. ( ribs will be served here)hee..he.

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