Friday, July 11, 2008


Okay, so I'm way behind on blogging, & I'm sure it won't be the last. I have been working on my photography blog. I have finally decided that after nine years of wanting to take portraits, that its finally time. I have so much passion and love taking photos of my kids and everyone else that I got my price list together and started the blog to post pictures on. I have taken pictures of several people before, but never came out w/ a price list. So I guess you could say I have my first session next Thursday. I am so excited and I can't wait.Be sure to check out my other blog next week.
I have so much to do this week:
1. finish making a baby boy Jon Jon romper for a gift
2. finishing making a pacifier holder
3. redo a photo purse
4. make Jackson 2 rompers ( which can wait)
5. take Jackson's 20 month pics this weekend
6. run the next two days

Is that ENOUGH?! Gosh where is all the time? Btw, I am training for a half marathon in Dec. I have now been running for about 7 weeks on a program. Today I did 4 miles with my best friend Stephanie whom has ran a few marathons. She's one tough cookie. I don't want you to think I ran all four b/c I didn't. I ran the first mile, ran most of the second, and ran/walk the third, and walked the fourth to cool down. I don't know if you can cool down in TN. It is so humid here. At least that's behind me for today. Well, hopefully I will some day get better at posting.
If you want to check out my photo blog
click here .


Sara said...

SOOO excited about your 1/2 marathon! You are one brave soul!

I used to live in Memphis (well Bartlett) and I know all about the heat in TN! Last year I did the training program with Memphis Runners and could never encourage myself to run more than a 5K.

Good Luck! I want to hear about it ALL! Which reminds me.. maybe I should go running today... I haven't run in about 3 months...eek!

Jen said...

I'm from the good mail group and finally was checking out some of the ladies blogs. I love your photographs. You are really talented. I love the one of your son in the tub with the water in mid air. Really cool. I have a good camera, just don't know how to use it to it's potential.
I'm also a runner. Good luck on your 1/2 training. I know about the heat. I can just kill your desire to train. Nice blog!